
Perspective of a Tragedy

Perspective of a Tragedy By Billy King Please indulge me as I take you on a trip down memory lane. It was a Tuesday morning on Travis Air Force Base in California. I had overslept and was rushing to get to work. When I arrived, there were not that many vehicles there. Did I miss something? Was my clock off? Was I actually early to work?  As I was getting out of my car, I noticed an airman putting threat condition signs up on the doors of the building in which I worked. That was odd because I did not recall anyone mentioning a military exercise that was supposed to happen that day. As I was walking up to the building, I saw my coworker come out.  “Hey, Tony!” I said. “Nobody told me we were having an exercise.” “You haven’t heard?” he replied. “Terrorists hijacked a plane and flew it into the World Trade Center in New York.” I honestly did not believe it at first. I could believe that a plane may have accidentally hit a building, but terrorists? Come on!  As we walked in, he led me to t

When Will We Stop Listening To Narcissists?

  When Will We Stop Listening To Narcissists? By Billy King In a recent post on my page, I gave examples of narcissists. I would like to expand on that by giving this more extensive writing on the subject. First, let us start with a definition. Webster defines a narcissist as an extremely self-centered person who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance. The word narcissist derives from a Greek Mythology figure, Narcissus, who was so impossibly handsome that he fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water. Even the lovely nymph Echo could not manage to tempt him from his self-absorption. He ultimately died of thirst and starvation because he could not pull himself away from his own reflection in a pool of water. While today’s narcissists are not quite as extreme as to starve themselves, they are extremely self-absorbed and constantly put others down to make them feel better about themselves. It seems that the favorite tool of a narcissist is gaslighting. Gaslighting

A New Hope For Life

  A New Hope For Life By Billy King   I had always considered myself a liberal up until about 10 years ago. I held the belief of live and let live. It was the intolerance of the “tolerant” left that pushed me further to the right. I still cling to some of my liberal beliefs. I still believe you should live and let live. If a gay couple wants to be together, so be it. Just do not force a pastor to perform a ceremony that goes against his beliefs. The same goes for Christian Bakers who do not wish to bake a cake for a gay wedding because it violates their religious beliefs. If a man wants to call himself a woman, fine, just do not force the rest of society to go along with it. We should all live our lives and allow others to live theirs. The moment I became what I consider a full-blown conservative is the day I became a pro-life advocate. I had never considered myself a prochoice advocate before then. Honestly, I had little to no opinion at all on the topic of abortion. I definit

The End of America’s Love Affair with Sports

The End of America’s Love Affair with Sports By Billy King   I have spent at least 30 of my 40 plus years watching sports. I started out watching the NBA in high school. Something about the Detroit Pistons drew me in. They seemed like huge underdogs playing against the more well known teams like the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers with superstars like Magic Johnson and Larry Bird. I still believe Isiah Thomas is one of the best small point guards to ever play the game. Of course, the Chicago Bulls dynasty came along and destroyed my Pistons every year so I had to wait until 2004 to see them win another NBA championship. In the meantime, I turned my attention to football. I soon began to watch football not long after I started watching basketball. Everyone in my School liked Joe Montana's 49ers so I did not want to jump on that bandwagon. My mother was a huge Dallas Cowboys fan and, at that time, they were the worst team in the NFL coming off a 1-15 season, so I

The Faulty Doctrine of the Left

The Faulty Doctrine of the Left By Billy King     When discussing or arguing politics on social media I rarely bring up the Bible. I have my reasons including the fact that the folks I disagree with likely do not even believe in God and unless I am trying to prove the existence of God, the Bible is of little use to me. There are also many interpretations on the Bible. You and I can read the same passage and both come away with different meanings. In order to keep things from getting messy, I usually steer clear of the Bible. That being said, I am often amused when some on the left – most of whom do not even believe in the Bible – try to thump a bible at me to get their point across. No matter what we are discussing, as soon as they find out I am a Christian, they try to use the Bible to attack me.  For example, I often hear people on the left try to quote scripture to justify socialism. They are quick to tell me how Jesus says to give all your wealth to the poor and follow

A Conversation Worth Having

A Conversation Worth Having By Billy King While driving to work the other morning, I was listening to ESPN Radio. The hosts were screaming and pulling their hair out over some comments made by Drew Brees, the quarterback of the New Orleans Saints. Drew made the mistake of saying that he actually disagrees with anyone who disrespects the flag by kneeling during the national anthem. He cited his respect for the military as well as his two grandfathers, both of whom fought in World War II, as his reasons for his disagreement. Trey Wingo was beside himself screaming about inequality and how insensitive Brees is to it. He went on to say how it has never been about disrespecting the military but racial inequality. He felt justified in his assertion because ESPN was going to have, on the show, the Green Beret who told Colin Kaepernick to kneel instead of sitting on the bench. “Nate Boyer is a former Green Beret from TEXAS!” Trey Wingo shouted as if this lent more credibility to th

Divided We Fall!

Divided We Fall! By Billy King As I sit here watching news coverage of the riots that are tearing our nation apart my heart breaks. I have a combination of feelings of sadness, fear and anger. I am saddened by what happened to George Floyd. I am fearful of the retaliation from our government as a result of the ensuing riots and I am angry at the reactions of everyone in the media; both social and mainstream. I am not going to rehash what happened to spark all this as we all already know. We had some dirty cops on a power trip decide to flex their authoritative muscles from behind a badge and now we have a dead man to show for it. People are angry. I am angry! I can just imagine things they may have said. “Oh you wanna resist arrest?? Well we’ll show you! Yeah! How’s that feel?” I wish to see these men punished to the fullest extent of the law. In light of news that they man with his knee on George Floyd’s neck has been arrested and charged with third degree murder a